Outdoor Education and Outdoor Recreation Degrees

Some people just aren't cut out for a desk job. They would prefer for their office to reside in a wider, more open space; notably, the outdoors. Individuals who wish to pursue a career that allows them to work outside can do so while earning a degree. Most people don't realize that many colleges offer degrees such as outdoor education and outdoor recreation to interested students. Can you imagine what it would be like to learn about your passion every day? For many students, college is about earning a degree doing something they wouldn't mind having as a career. However, for the majority of those in outdoor studies, nature and the environment is their passion, and they thrive in their outdoor courses.

These degrees can be applied in areas such as resort recreation, summer camps, nature centers, military/community recreation, private guide service, adventure travel agencies, and outdoor and mountaineering retail environments. Specific companies may include Outward Bound, YMCA, YWCA, Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of America, and Armed Forces. These careers are especially prominent in areas such as Colorado, where outdoor tips are becoming increasing popular with residents and visitors alike.

The goal of many of these programs is to ensure students are equipped to take on a variety of recreational and survival outdoor activities such as whitewater rafting, search and rescue, survival, canoeing, mountaineering, and wilderness second-aid. Some of the best programs also allow students to earn certification and special training in addition to their degree. Example areas include outdoor emergency care, search and rescue technician, avalanche safety, swiftwater rescue, and wilderness first responder.

Both Outdoor Education and Outdoor Recreation degrees focus on many of the same topics. However, outdoor education combines recreation activities with other outdoor aspects such as wilderness survival and environmental awareness. Outdoor recreation focuses more on the managerial aspects of leading groups through different activities. Some specific positions available with this degree are camp director, health club manager, director of recreation and parks, recreational therapist, and activity specialist.

One of the most helpful pieces of advice in looking for an outdoor program is to search in the area in which you will reside after graduating. While a student's mindset may not be the same after completing a program, this is still an important aspect to consider. In these programs, students will be receiving a lot of hands-on experience outside their school's campus. Many excursions will take place in collaboration with local rafting companies, mountaineering places, and federal or state parks.

What to Do With a Thousand Dollars - Invest in Education and Secure Your Future

The most important thing when thinking of what to do with a thousand dollars is to think long term. A thousand dollars is a good sum of money which if utilized correctly could reap immense benefits that could last for a long time. What better way of securing a bright future than investing in education? Education goes a long way in empowering us to achieve our dreams. Education may not be the only way that we can make it in life, but it is the safest bet.

The way salaries are being paid in the current job market is very logical. The more educated you are, the higher your job group and the more you earn. Education however should not be seen as an avenue of getting into formal employment. We can also get empowered with the relevant skills and knowledge to start up a business in our preferred area of training. Investing in education is what to do with a thousand dollars.

For parents, what better way to secure your child's future than investing in their education? Give your children a wonderful gift by setting up an education savings fund for their high school or college schooling. Such funds normally attract very generous tax incentives. We shall be paid back handsomely when the kids are all grown up and successful. The question what to do with a thousand dollars should not be a hard nut to crack; invest in education and secure the future. This will be a good decision, it will be the best one you could have made!